Question About Zakspeed Capri In DRM

Question About Zakspeed Capri In DRM



Original Poster:

27 posts

96 months

Friday 23rd February 2018
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I’m currently researching the old Zakspeed Ford Capri, and have hit a confusing snag that Google can’t seem to answer. Apparently, the Zakspeed Capri won the DRM outright in 1981 at the hands of Klaus Ludwig - despite being a Division 2 car. Yes, it won 11 out of the 13 races in Division 2, but as far as I can tell, it didn’t beat the faster Division 1 cars in the actual races. Yet the Zakspeed Capri was still crowned overall champion. What information am I missing here that can explain why this is the case? Thanks smile


44,044 posts

174 months

Friday 23rd February 2018
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Points awarded for more class wins in lower class out scores winner of races outright who probably had less class wins.

It can happen in any race series with multiple classes scoring same points.


Original Poster:

27 posts

96 months

Friday 23rd February 2018
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Pericoloso said:
Points awarded for more class wins in lower class out scores winner of races outright who probably had less class wins.

It can happen in any race series with multiple classes scoring same points.
Thanks a lot for that smile. I had suspected something similar; just wanted to confirm it. Thanks again smile


22,227 posts

244 months

Monday 26th February 2018
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AngeloUccello said:
Pericoloso said:
Points awarded for more class wins in lower class out scores winner of races outright who probably had less class wins.

It can happen in any race series with multiple classes scoring same points.
Thanks a lot for that smile. I had suspected something similar; just wanted to confirm it. Thanks again smile

Ask Chris Hogetts. Fastest Class 2 BTCC car by a country mile meant that he won a couple of BTCC crowns whilst only once in a split race making the podium in those 2 years and usually finishing about 6-8 on the road.


4,420 posts

110 months

Tuesday 27th February 2018
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What are you researching it for?

I'm building a 1/24 model at the moment, love the car!


5,782 posts

177 months

Tuesday 27th February 2018
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Several instances of lower classes winning championships outright in saloon car racing in the past.
The Chrysler Avenger won the British championship .
The Longman mini also won a championship. On both occasions they were in lower capacity classes and never had outright race wins .
Some race series have more points if the class has more competitors in it . Some even give a point for each competitor beaten in your class .


19,261 posts

178 months

Tuesday 27th February 2018
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Rude-boy said:

Ask Chris Hogetts. Fastest Class 2 BTCC car by a country mile meant that he won a couple of BTCC crowns whilst only once in a split race making the podium in those 2 years and usually finishing about 6-8 on the road.
John Cleland in the Mk2 Astra did the same thing also. Remember seeing an interview with him and he even said the 89 championship didn’t feel like winning the title in the way 95 did


2,309 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th February 2018
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Phil Dowesett won it too in a fwd Corolla.

Bit stupid if you ask me, but that's the way it was back then