Spa Classic


Zed 44

Original Poster:

1,275 posts

167 months

Wednesday 14th February 2018
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Does anyone have experience of parking and access on surrounding roads?


2 posts

172 months

Wednesday 14th February 2018
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Are you referring to the classic in May or the summer classic? I've been to the May classic a number of times, providing youre relatively early there is never really an issue with parking or queues, turn up late and you need to be prepared to wait. Friday is very quiet, as is sunday, saturday isn't mental but is by far the busiest day. its becoming more and more popular but is a great show to go to.



1,188 posts

235 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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I've been to the Spa Summer Classic several times and they park you in the car park alongside Eau Rouge. I think free of charge although I may be mistaken. Was plenty of space.

Zed 44

Original Poster:

1,275 posts

167 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Thanks for the advice so far. With our cars, I think we will be able to park with the Collector's Enclosure. We would be coming from about 30 minutes away so I'm wondering how early is early to avoid major traffic jams leading to the circuit. I only have the Silverstone classic to go by, but arriving at 9am didn't seem to be a problem in the past.


537 posts

198 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Spa has plenty of parking with dedicated roads to various areas. The top car park area is huge where the clubs and show cars reside.