Rudi Eggenberger Passes Away.

Rudi Eggenberger Passes Away.



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878 posts

143 months


8,236 posts

224 months

Monday 12th February 2018
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TVR Moneypit said:
As a Ford fan, that's sad to hear. He was the builder of one of the three fastest Sierra's (along with Dick Johnson and Andy Rouse).

I was going to post similar - one of the instantly recognisable / respected names from that era - RIP frown


3,249 posts

229 months

Monday 12th February 2018
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sadly true moneypit. saw the fire spitting sierra's at donnington in the 80's. Poetry in motion.


245 posts

175 months

Monday 12th February 2018
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He certainly built some fast cars. Steve Soper had the first Eggenberger RS500 I believe. Tim Harvey also.

Some pics.


Original Poster:

878 posts

143 months

Monday 12th February 2018
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1988 RAC TT Silverstone.


Original Poster:

878 posts

143 months

Tuesday 13th February 2018
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Short clip of The calder park race after Bathurst. Funny that the egmo cars were exactly the same as Bathurst but were not DSQ.


173 posts

233 months

Tuesday 13th February 2018
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I saw them race at Thruxton in the 80's, never to be forgotten.


2,688 posts

224 months

Tuesday 13th February 2018
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I always remember thinking of the black cars as the baddies to the Rouse goodies when they used to come over (I was young back then!)

Nice Obituary on Autosport


27 posts

162 months

Tuesday 13th February 2018
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Was ahead of his time with be able to do basic tunes well the cars were racing, ( ie turn the boost down when racing ) before Formula 1 was doing it!


2,309 posts

219 months

Tuesday 13th February 2018
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I am also of the mind there was a fair bit of cheating going on this era with fuel, electronics etc.

Amazed Walkinshaw never ran one actually...


37,468 posts

238 months

Wednesday 14th February 2018
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Shame......... smile

But, we have to remember it's 30 years ago now, and a lot of the people involved in these programmes weren't youngsters by then.

And look what happened to Tricky Dicky Johnson having to sell everything frown


8,236 posts

224 months

Friday 16th February 2018
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TVR Moneypit said:
AlexRS2782 said:
I was going to post similar - one of the instantly recognisable / respected names from that era - RIP frown
And yet, on the UK's premier motoring website, only three of us have posted on this topic. I'm surprised and a bit dissapointed by that TBH. I mean, it's not like this site is frequented by 99% 20 year olds who wouldn't know a Ford Sierra if they were stood next to one is it?
Quite a few other places managed to put together some form of obituary in their press. Sadly I assume the lack of anything here, is because it's not deemed relevant or that there's no financial / product placement in it for Haymarket frown

HM / PH did do a RE-xxx thread in GG a couple of days ago, but I assume that's because HM have some form of sponsorship in the BTCC, or it's paid for promotion relating to Dan Cammish getting Shedden's former seat, as there's certainly not been any other threads regarding any of the other big names involved currently.

Mind you, HM / PH did have time this week to publish a really important (term used loosely) thread about "how a dump valve works" - which was, of course, in no way a blatant self promotional advertising slot for Go Fast Bits winkhehe


11,254 posts

270 months

Sunday 18th February 2018
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TVR Moneypit said:
That's a guy, businessman and racer that I have a huge amount of respect for. Sadly he's looking very frail these days.
Dick? In great health when I spent 3 days at Bathurst 2016 with him and Gillie. I‘ve heard nothing to suggest he isn’t well, but will check.

I was fortunate to see Ruedi fire up his RS500 at the Silverstone Classic last year. Very emotional for him.


Original Poster:

878 posts

143 months

Sunday 18th February 2018
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TVR Moneypit said:
Next time you speak to Mr Johnson, let him know that there's a 41 year old Brit whose first memory of him is this;

and to this day still dreams of owning a green EA Falcon with a 351 Windsor V8 biggrin
That's a green XE Falcon with a 351 Cleveland V8 wink


8,778 posts

229 months

Monday 19th February 2018
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TVR Moneypit said:
And yet, on the UK's premier motoring website, only three of us have posted on this topic. I'm surprised and a bit dissapointed by that TBH. I mean, it's not like this site is frequented by 99% 20 year olds who wouldn't know a Ford Sierra if they were stood next to one is it?
To be fair, seeing this thread this morning was the first I had heard of it via any media outlet.

YouTube surfing lead me to a video of one of his RS500’s qualifying at Bathurst 1987 over the weekend, the only Ford I would really put in my Euromillions garage.

Brilliant early memories of his cars, and if I remember correct, it would be fair to say they were the best engineered of the 3 protagonists.


Original Poster:

878 posts

143 months

Monday 19th February 2018
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TVR Moneypit said:
Oh FFS banghead

How many points do I get for double wrongness? silly
Well you're not totally wrong. Ford did make a one off prototype 351 Windsor powered EA GT but it wasn't green and Dicky J had nothing to do with it. smile