IndyCar get's it right. Makes F1/Halo look silly.

IndyCar get's it right. Makes F1/Halo look silly.



Original Poster:

6,469 posts

121 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Vocal Minority

8,582 posts

163 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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That's a pretty good solution


4,959 posts

174 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Is that not more or less the same as the aeroscreen which was tested in F1 but failed to pass the safety tests? I wonder if the Indycar design would pass those tests, but suspect they wouldn't.


25,253 posts

171 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Not a Halo competitor. It couldn't withstand anywhere near the force.

I'm not saying that it's not as good or worse etc


21,508 posts

215 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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I can imagine F1 drivers watching this and wondering why they are stuck with the obtrusive and ugly HALO frown


670 posts

88 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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HustleRussell said:
Not a Halo competitor. It couldn't withstand anywhere near the force.


7,225 posts

197 months

Saturday 10th February 2018
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TheInternet said:
Is that not more or less the same as the aeroscreen which was tested in F1 but failed to pass the safety tests? I wonder if the Indycar design would pass those tests, but suspect they wouldn't.
Nope, different material and a consistent curvature reduces the distortion and glare. I’d like to see a video of them testing it with a wheel fired at it etc.


25,253 posts

171 months

Saturday 10th February 2018
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8V085 said:
HustleRussell said:
Not a Halo competitor. It couldn't withstand anywhere near the force.
I’m speculating but I think it’s pretty likely to be correct


1,192 posts

160 months

Saturday 10th February 2018
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Screens were always preferred by the FIA to start with, I believe the first version of a screen devised by Red Bull was tested and decided it was too close to the drivers head (if there was a crash the drivers helmet could collide with it making the force to the driver worse)

The second version was better and looked like the Indy car one - Vettel tested it and complained it distorted his vision so they dropped it without any further trials, yet the Halo seemed to make it onto most teams cars at verious points in the year...

I read on PH that it was suggested that the FIA had a deadline to make the decision as it needed something to be in place for 2018, because if they weren't seen to be taking steps then it left them open to legal action by the Bianchi family.

Clockwork Cupcake

76,802 posts

283 months

Saturday 10th February 2018
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If the Indycar screen proves to be successful then there is no reason it can't subsequently be adopted by F1.

The Halo has always been seen as a stop-gap "let's get something now that works" solution, rather than the best solution.


3,280 posts

167 months

Saturday 10th February 2018
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Don’t know what all the fuss is about. Had these canopies in drag racing for decades. Not exactly something new....jus roundy roundy people are slow to catch up


90,129 posts

295 months

Saturday 10th February 2018
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On board visor-cam in case anyone missed it -


Original Poster:

6,469 posts

121 months

Sunday 11th February 2018
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FourWheelDrift said:
On board visor-cam in case anyone missed it -
Who paid Vettel to say it made him "dizzy"? What a ............? (not point in adding words, censor will remove them)

That view is so less obstructed than Halo.

Even if the aero screen is, let's say, 80% (my guess) as structurally able as Halo, it is still massively better than not having it at all, with the added benefit of actually looking massively better.

The Wookie

14,087 posts

239 months

Sunday 11th February 2018
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I can remember thinking Vettel wasn’t going to have much of a future career in LMP when he retires if he didn’t like the visor screen on the F1 Car

When they showed it up close on the TV it looked a lot clearer and less distorted than any of the LMP type cars I’ve sat in and driven!


2,593 posts

185 months

Sunday 11th February 2018
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What happens to the screen when it starts getting covered with crap during the course of the race ? (thinking of drivers at the moment with rip off visor covers)


21,508 posts

215 months

Sunday 11th February 2018
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covboy said:
What happens to the screen when it starts getting covered with crap during the course of the race ? (thinking of drivers at the moment with rip off visor covers)
Extra bloke in the pitcrew gives it a wipe every pitstop


18,808 posts

211 months

Sunday 11th February 2018
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MartG said:
covboy said:
What happens to the screen when it starts getting covered with crap during the course of the race ? (thinking of drivers at the moment with rip off visor covers)
Extra bloke in the pitcrew gives it a wipe every pitstop
Once in a race?

The Hypno-Toad

12,786 posts

216 months

Sunday 11th February 2018
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JonChalk said:
Who paid Vettel to say it made him "dizzy"? What a ............? (not point in adding words, censor will remove them)

That view is so less obstructed than Halo.

Even if the aero screen is, let's say, 80% (my guess) as structurally able as Halo, it is still massively better than not having it at all, with the added benefit of actually looking massively better.
The conspiracy theory is that Ferrari had already put a lot of work in designing their new car to have a halo and to switch back to the aero screen would have involved a complete re-design of the cockpit/roll hoop/air box section.

Clockwork Cupcake

76,802 posts

283 months

Sunday 11th February 2018
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craigjm said:
MartG said:
covboy said:
What happens to the screen when it starts getting covered with crap during the course of the race ? (thinking of drivers at the moment with rip off visor covers)
Extra bloke in the pitcrew gives it a wipe every pitstop
Once in a race?
I guess it comes down to what the current regulations are on visor tear-offs. It used to be that drivers had multiple tear-offs and could use them whenever they wanted. But I have a feeling that they can only tear them off in the pit lane now (I'm happy to be corrected), in which case it could be viable.


21,508 posts

215 months

Sunday 11th February 2018
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Probably get banned now for a swearie frown