2018 Bathurst 12 Hr



Original Poster:

1,597 posts

236 months

Thursday 1st February 2018
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Our nice friends from Nismo TV are streaming it live this Saturday @ 18.30



3,947 posts

289 months

Thursday 1st February 2018
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All live here as well:


Race starting Saturday 18:45 UK time. Some support races also being shown.


27,212 posts

192 months

Friday 2nd February 2018
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Is it available for download/stream after the fact? Would like to watch, but it isn't going to fit with the weekend's plans.


27,619 posts

178 months

Friday 2nd February 2018
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This was so so good last year. Can’t wait.


3,947 posts

289 months

Friday 2nd February 2018
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Support race coverage start at 21:10 uk time.. should be a good weekend.


7,431 posts

221 months

Saturday 3rd February 2018
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Brilliant! Thanks for that.


12,348 posts

295 months

Saturday 3rd February 2018
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Krikkit said:
Is it available for download/stream after the fact? Would like to watch, but it isn't going to fit with the weekend's plans.
The recordings of the live streams from practice, qualifying and the Top10 Shootout are on both the GTWorld (the SRO's channel?) and NismoTV Youtube channels, so hopefully the race will be too. (They are both streaming the race live)


3,947 posts

289 months

Saturday 3rd February 2018
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NISMO TV is now "live" with full coverage starting at 18:30. Race starts in the dark.


4,113 posts

243 months

Saturday 3rd February 2018
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The countdown clock on the international stream is saying an hour and fourty odd until the start, which is a bit odd


3,947 posts

289 months

Saturday 3rd February 2018
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FredericRobinson said:
The countdown clock on the international stream is saying an hour and fourty odd until the start, which is a bit odd
Yes, saw that, weird. It's definitely a UK start time of 18:45.


4,113 posts

243 months

Saturday 3rd February 2018
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18.45 was what I'd planned my weekend around, with the countdown to green starting at 18.10 on radio le mans, but they're reviewing a Fiat van at the minute....


4,113 posts

243 months

Saturday 3rd February 2018
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....and we're live


202 posts

126 months

Sunday 4th February 2018
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What an amazing race... though you do wonder whether younger GT racers have spent far too much of their youth playing GT, Forza and GTA. Felt sorry for the M Sport Bentley team and I lost count of the pace car flags. Just goes to show what the balance system can achieve.


3,947 posts

289 months

Sunday 4th February 2018
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Great race and really enjoyed the coverage. Just gutted that we were robbed of a fantastic finish, was impossible to predict the winner if it had run all the way.

The Audi motorsport boss must be pretty happy. There'll be some pretty big parts orders coming through this week from various teams, and the somehow managed to win it also!


646 posts

91 months

Monday 5th February 2018
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Both 1st & 2nd said that without the early finish they would have run out of fuel as they had been saving for a few laps