In car filming (rally)

In car filming (rally)



Original Poster:

2 posts

86 months

Friday 5th January 2018
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Hi, New to the forum, and after a bit of advice please.
I will be filming a rally in May and want to set up 3 go pros in the car. I have seen the VHDbox set up, but don't really need the data overlay, just want the best HD footage and a simple way of powering and operating the cameras (i.e. one switch to start recording on all 3 cameras), and a way of powering them. Id like to use my existing 3 GoPro hero 4s if possible.

Thank you.


2,091 posts

250 months

Saturday 6th January 2018
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I rally drive and use in car cameras, the big limitation with Go Pros is that they lack the ability to plug into the intercom (in my experience with older models anyway) and this is really important when filming rallying as it captures the in car dialogue which the Go Pros don't pick up well. Another issue I have found is that it can be difficult to mount Go Pros on roll cages at the correct angle, I have found purpose made bullet cameras better at this. A couple of other points - Go Pros in rallying can't be mounted using suction cups and generally you can't mount Go Pros externally either.

It may be tricky to wire all the Go Pros together, maybe a better bet to just use big memory cards and leave them recording once they leave service, with the crew switching them off after each stage? If you are using three cameras I guess at least one will be pointed at the crew themselves, in which case you would probably not need to record every stage in any case, as you would probably just cut to the interior shot a couple of times during the final film... Good luck!