Anyone have any wheels for sale? 14” saxo hot hatch challeng

Anyone have any wheels for sale? 14” saxo hot hatch challeng


silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Thursday 4th January 2018
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Hello all, my lad is looking at replacing the standard alloys with some lighter motorsport jobs for the one coming Castle Combe hot hatch challenge. They have to be 14” and 4 x 108 pcd. Just wondering before He sells kidney if anyone has any suitable ones for sale biggrin



27,212 posts

192 months

Friday 5th January 2018
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Lightest option would be the steelies as fitted for the 106 Rallye.


13,363 posts

248 months

Tuesday 9th January 2018
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Krikkit said:
Lightest option would be the steelies as fitted for the 106 Rallye.
I've got a set of 4 rallye S2 Steels in white available, not sure how much lighter they are than alloys.

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Wednesday 10th January 2018
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Hi Craig - thanks but he’s bought a set of 15” and tyres thumbup


27,212 posts

192 months

Thursday 11th January 2018
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So much for 14" then!

The steels are around 1.5 kg lighter per corner than anything but the lightest 15" alloys.