Le Mans 2018 - rough costs and what to do?

Le Mans 2018 - rough costs and what to do?



Original Poster:

39 posts

137 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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Hi All,

I am keen to drive to Le Mans in 2018.

I have been looking online and from what I can find tickets are already for sale. I have never been before so please bare with me if I ask some obvious/simple questions.

1) Does the Grandstand ticket cover the entire weekend?
2) Most people camp - the camping options I have been given seem awfully expensive
3) Is there a PH group travelling out?
4) I was hoping to do a bit of a trip before hand - is it best to be there on the Friday at testing
5) Is there any pit access?

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.




3,948 posts

289 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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Best to post this thread in the PH "Le Mans" forum.


12,356 posts

295 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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Have a read through the threads in the LM forum and you'll get the gist of things....

As for your questions:

1) Grandstand ticket is in theory for all week, but there isn't any checking of tickets during the practice sessions (Weds and Thurs) so the stands are full of locals.

2) Camping is for a car's worth of people for a week, so works out cheap per-person-per-night when there's a group of you on a long trip, but less so for one person for one or two nights.

3) There has been previously, no idea about 2018 - check for LM forum.

4) There's no track action on the Friday, just hi-jinx. It's very busy on the Saturday so definitely arrive Friday or earlier, especially if you have an un-numbered camping pitch.

5) Pit Access. There are some very expensive pit lane tickets (600-odd Euros?). There's a couple of free pit lane walks during the week before though.


49,633 posts

209 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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Always wanted to go BUT it’s not school holidays so cannot take the kids /they would love it so going without sadly didn’t work ... therefore a 18 year wait for mefrown.

Upside is Eurosport 24 Hr TV at home tent in the garden BBQ and loads of booze + Silverstone Classic


Original Poster:

39 posts

137 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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Thanks all for your kind replies

I shall have a look at the Le Mans group on PH.
