Selling my some Dymags and Compomitives - need to know sizes

Selling my some Dymags and Compomitives - need to know sizes



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Sunday 12th November 2017
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Having sold the Tuscan there's still a few bits and bobs I need to sell too - spare wheels and trailer. I had them in the 'for sale' section for a while but no interest, so eBay it is.

Only for a 'wider audience' I'll need to post-up all the sizes, although of course I know the main bit that they're 9x18.

I bought the Compomotives direct on the basis they were exactly the same size as the Dymags, and the Compomotives are stamped 9X18ER24, so I'm assuming 24 iis the offset. Only I've measured the offset on the Dymags and I come up with an offset of 26mm every time. So am I measuring it wrong, or are the Dymags actually a 26mm offset?

Then to the PCD - I've measured that too (although a bit tricky on a 5 stud wheel) and I reckon 112mm. Does that sound right?