Oil pump capacity



Original Poster:

85 posts

118 months

Thursday 26th October 2017
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Oil pump capacity, does anyone have any data on how much oil is output per revolution of engine? V8 engine. I'm going to dry sump mine and will make a pump so any info greatly welcome.


Original Poster:

85 posts

118 months

Tuesday 31st October 2017
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surely someone must know?


3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 31st October 2017
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I,m Just a Nut behind the wheel. Best person to ask would be John Earles


Rocket 88

67 posts

211 months

Tuesday 31st October 2017
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Boosted LS1

21,198 posts

271 months

Tuesday 31st October 2017
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Surely a relief valve will take care of any excess. Better to determine how much volume you need in the first place and aim a bit higher. Look at chevy ls pumps or sbc if you want to be safely in the ball park.


Original Poster:

85 posts

118 months

Tuesday 31st October 2017
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Ok thanks, I'm talking about the ajp v8. I will of course size slightly over but it would be good to know what the minimum requirement is. Thanks