Wheels wanted



Original Poster:

123 posts

211 months

Friday 20th October 2017
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Has anyone got two of the following wheels for sale?

15 inch Compomotive alloys 7J X 38 ET with 5 holes on 112 pcd similar to the photo below. they are to fit an ex tvr Tasmin Challenge car.

Dave Welton


3,346 posts

198 months

Friday 20th October 2017
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I have a few of those in the barn,will check the sizes and get back to you


1,940 posts

281 months

Saturday 21st October 2017
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I have seven like this in your dimensions (all ex Tasmin racer too!) Four are fitted with useable Toyo 888s. All refurbed in gloss white by Lepsons and unused since! All dry stored in my garage taking up valuable space! PM sent!

Edited by Keithyboy on Saturday 21st October 11:35


Original Poster:

123 posts

211 months

Monday 23rd October 2017
quotequote all
Thanks for the help chaps and have now agreed a deal with Keith

Dave Welton