Wales Rally GB 2017



Original Poster:

22 posts

117 months

Monday 25th September 2017
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Hi All

Couldn't find a Thread, so about time one was created :-)

Not been to the Rally for a few years now (2014 last time).

Heading to Dyfnant this year and was wondering how strict they are now on spectator movements. Last time I went you could walk all over, but mindful there have been a few issues since!

Also wondering where the better viewing points are.

I intend to get there super early to set up and stay put until the nationals have gone through and then move before the night session starts. Im not one to move around between cars as will have the little lad with me - safety first and all that.

From my memory of the route the viewing is pretty good between V1 and V2 where the tight bend and hairpins meet, but are you OK standing their (not designated Viewing area) - I seem to remember it being elevated above the track, room to stand away from the tracks edge and a few trees to duck behind

I then plan to move to V4 at the hairpin for the evening, no probs there, been there before.

Thanks in advance peeps :-)