Calling Daz or Martin Crass

Calling Daz or Martin Crass



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 19th September 2017
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Do either of you two know the exact date of the first race for the Tuscans. this advert / post is taken from February 1989 in Motorsport Mag sorry about the quality as it is in black and white taken at the motorsport show stand, who is the chap sat at the back of the stand ?....................

DSC_1073 by flat chat, on Flickr

Edited by 77racing on Tuesday 19th September 16:38


16,372 posts

295 months

Tuesday 19th September 2017
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May 7th 1989 Donny


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 19th September 2017
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cheers G and the chap sitting is ,............................


3,386 posts

282 months

Wednesday 20th September 2017
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The Chap could possibly be Trevor Cottam - the TVR Tuscan Challenge Race Coordinator,who organised the sale and racing etc of the first cars.