The Hero Challenge



Original Poster:

320 posts

159 months

Monday 18th September 2017
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A pal and I have entered our first historic rally with Hero this weekend. Coming from a sprinting background we are having a few last minute doubts about car preparation. We have entered my lightly modified TR6, which is essentially a road car with a few tweeks but it is quite loud. Hero have not been very forthcoming about noise limits or ineed if this is tested at all. Does anyone have any experience of these events and any advice they can pass on?


1,219 posts

195 months

Tuesday 19th September 2017
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I think it'll be the standard MSA requirement of 98dbA at 0.5m.

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Original Poster:

320 posts

159 months

Wednesday 20th September 2017
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Thanks, hopefully we will be ok at that, but this cars never been noise tested.