Porsche turbo S 991.1 exhaust system

Porsche turbo S 991.1 exhaust system



Original Poster:

10 posts

100 months

Tuesday 12th September 2017
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I am trying to at least improve the sound of my 991.1 turbo S, because it is disappointed sound for an super sport car.

I am searching the market for the last 2 years, I couldn't find an exhaust system that can be connected to the OEM sport/sport plus button to act as cut out for the normal and high sound + performance.

Also I want to know if there is any mechanical problems will happen in the future after installing the exhaust system because I heard that it is a turbo engine that designed with some figures by Porsche engineers so if you change the exhaust maybe it will lead to mechanical problems such as back pressure or back fire because the flow to the exhaust will be increased.

Also I prefer the OEM exhaust tips, and most of the companies I contacted said that it can not be fitted or it will lose the sound and power from the aftermarket exhaust.

So what exhaust have the preferable features I need to be installed on the 991.1 turbo S ?



164 posts

166 months

Tuesday 12th September 2017
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You don't need to worry about backpressure on a turbo car. You could have a straight pipe from the turbo if you wanted.

Armytrix do a valvetronic exhaust so you can control when it's loud and quiet.



Original Poster:

10 posts

100 months

Wednesday 20th September 2017
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JamesBryan88 said:
You don't need to worry about backpressure on a turbo car. You could have a straight pipe from the turbo if you wanted.

Armytrix do a valvetronic exhaust so you can control when it's loud and quiet.

I mean to connect the valve open/close with the OEM button already installed in the car spot/spot plus buttons without any modification on the car such as connecting some wires to the fuse box to control the valve from an external remote.

Thank you