Ariel Atom (5 Year old Booster Seat)

Ariel Atom (5 Year old Booster Seat)



Original Poster:

1 posts

90 months

Wednesday 6th September 2017
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Hi All,

Was wondering if somebody could help! As a very long 2 year wait i am finally collecting my new Atom from the factory on Sept 23rd
My 5 year old son is coming with me and we are going to surprise him..... helmet etc all sorted.
The only issue i need to resolve is a suitable booster seat to get him seated in there safely.
Anybody who know what would fit the seat would be greatly appreciated!



1,194 posts

293 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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How about a kart seat foam insert?


1,194 posts

293 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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And lucky lad! Be careful his head doesn't split from the ear to ear grin.

May be get him used to ear plugs in advance for the induction noise from just behind your heads.


3,948 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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What belts does the car have?? You might want to check that he will actually fit them.


1,429 posts

146 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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df76 said:
What belts does the car have?? You might want to check that he will actually fit them.

My 6 year old couldn't come in my Exige with harnesses, it wouldn't be safe. I had to add standard belts before he could join me.

His normal child seat fits in the buckets. One of these:

We also have one of these, very flexible (literally) when it comes to odd shaped car seats. Also great for flying away with the kids when you'll be hiring a car at the other end.

Edited by foxsasha on Thursday 7th September 06:52


263 posts

194 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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also make sure you take wind proof stuff - i was amazed (even after being warned) about just how cold it can get and wet smile

There are a few different belt sets and I know a few who have taken out smaller kids with foam etc. I only had the 4 point in mine but I think for a child it would probably be safer with the 5. I am sure Tom at the factory will be able to offer some advice on this though!


1,429 posts

146 months

Thursday 7th September 2017
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MrLizard said:
also make sure you take wind proof stuff - i was amazed (even after being warned) about just how cold it can get and wet smile

There are a few different belt sets and I know a few who have taken out smaller kids with foam etc. I only had the 4 point in mine but I think for a child it would probably be safer with the 5. I am sure Tom at the factory will be able to offer some advice on this though!
The shoulder straps don't run over and locate on the shoulders properly so in my eyes so they can fall off, they can't be done up properly and the lap strap can't be done up tight. That was my experience. Even a nine year old was borderline and now the cars got normal belts too I'd use them over the harness.