It's gone...



Original Poster:

4,474 posts

293 months

Wednesday 23rd August 2017
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weeping but to a good home I guess.

Anyway, I now have some Dymag rims and Compomotives left over...and the trailer. Bur as to the wheels, I'm plotting just putting them on eBay for a wider audience, but does anyone have any idea a) what they're worth, and b) what else the stud pattern/size will fit? Just advertising them up as only suitable for a Tuscan Challenge car kind of limits their appeal and there must be something more mainstream they fit too? Any ideas?

...better think about a new user name too as I've no longer got a TVR nor a Chevrolet engine.


16,372 posts

295 months

Thursday 24th August 2017
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put the money towards a new tvr and you can keep the name lol...

might be interested in some wheels :-)

the wheels will fit a wedge or a tuscan challenge car. they will go on the later t cars, but not properly as the pcd is different so dangerous IIRC they are a ford 5 stud pattern not the chrysler one on the Cerb and T-cars


Original Poster:

4,474 posts

293 months

Friday 25th August 2017
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Graham said:
put the money towards a new tvr and you can keep the name lol...

might be interested in some wheels :-)
That's precisely where the money is going smile presuming it 'cuts the mustard' as it were...

PM me about the wheels if you want. I bought the Compomotives new for the car when I built I'm guessing maybe 2007. I only used them as track wheels with slicks so never seen road use or hit potholes - but some marks from on- and off- the car frequently, and lugged in and out of car boots etc. They still have slicks on then, but so old now only fit for burnouts and showboating. I had the 3 Dymags powder coated years ago, and they're 'original', so a few pits and marks under the powder coating and I can't vouch for their roundness as I've never really run them; just kept them as spares.


1,923 posts

264 months

Sunday 3rd September 2017
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That was a lovely Tuscan you had there and something to aspire too,
I am building a road goer (still!) only have a set of O.Z.18ins (which I have refurbed) so am interested in what you might have.....out of date slicks are the sort of thing I would use if the car ever got displayed ....
Moving forward be great if you stayed with the brand, so hope the new one ticks your boxes....