RIP Don Nichols



Original Poster:

21,517 posts

215 months

Wednesday 23rd August 2017
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Don Nichols, founder of Shadow, has died aged 92 frown

He was responsible for some very sexy racing cars !



9,069 posts

155 months

Friday 25th August 2017
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He did indeed - and sadly I tend to think of both Tom Pryce and Peter Revson, who died in F1 Shadows. The Can Am Shadow MK 1 was one of the wackiest racers ever with 10in fronts, 12 in rears and an 8lItre V8 . Mystery man - CIA links and God knows what else . Not very like Christian Horner at all really- we live in blander , if safer, times

The Hypno-Toad

12,787 posts

216 months

Friday 25th August 2017
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Has already been mentioned he was the owner of the team with some the best looking cars around in the 70s. The bonkers Can Ams and the great high airbox Pryce/Jarier cars. I spent some time with the owner of the Matra powered car at GRRC a couple of years ago and that was a terrific piece of kit.

I like the early Shadows so much that the logo is my phone screen saver.



11,254 posts

270 months

Friday 25th August 2017
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Jackie Oliver has a great set of anecdotes about Don. He did a lot to perpetuate the myths about him...