Neste Rally 2017 (Finland WRC) tips, experience...

Neste Rally 2017 (Finland WRC) tips, experience...



Original Poster:

735 posts

131 months

Tuesday 11th July 2017
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Has anyone been in the last few years? I’m going out with a few (Brit) friends who live in Sweden, driving from Gothenburg to the Jyväskylä area where the rally is held. It’s all a bit last minute and I’m trying to work out how viable it is to last a week of sleeping in the woods with no facilities with only a hand-luggage amount of stuff. Any general tips about the event or even wild camping in Finland would be appreciated clapclap


3,977 posts

146 months

Thursday 13th July 2017
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Camp near a stream , good for keeping the beer cool , and take loads of bug spray . Don't feed the bears , HTH.


6,471 posts

197 months

Monday 17th July 2017
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I went in 2015 in the company of Finnish friends. It's a mega event - you'll love it! I wrote a full report with loads of photos here:

Give me a shout if I can help with anything. We're back off for our friends' wedding in Helsinki in a couple of weeks. Awesome country and awesome people. Enjoy!


9,464 posts

239 months

Tuesday 18th July 2017
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Make sure that you have a designated driver... the police will be breath testing as much as they can, they love to park underneath overpasses at the junctions where you leave the main road for the side roads....Remember that they have (and mean) zero tolerance.

The last time I went was the year that Markko Martin was doing well and half of Estonia had journeyed over the border.... the number of Estonian plated cars abandoned next to these police checks due to the lack of a sober driver was staggering.

Can't speak to camping as we had an apartment in Jyvaskyla, can tell you that it was a fantastic event, the atmosphere on Ouninpohja was electric and I'd happily go back - if you want to do something other than the rally then I'd recommend Kuopio, a lovely place for a day trip.



15,251 posts

234 months

Wednesday 19th July 2017
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K50 DEL said:
Make sure that you have a designated driver... the police will be breath testing as much as they can, they love to park underneath overpasses at the junctions where you leave the main road for the side roads....Remember that they have (and mean) zero tolerance.

The last time I went was the year that Markko Martin was doing well and half of Estonia had journeyed over the border.... the number of Estonian plated cars abandoned next to these police checks due to the lack of a sober driver was staggering.

Can't speak to camping as we had an apartment in Jyvaskyla, can tell you that it was a fantastic event, the atmosphere on Ouninpohja was electric and I'd happily go back - if you want to do something other than the rally then I'd recommend Kuopio, a lovely place for a day trip.

Did WRC Finland the same year (2003/4 or 5?) Nothing further to add to the above. awesome event, fantastic stages, lots of beer, lots of cops.