Castle Combe 15th/16th July

Castle Combe 15th/16th July



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Thursday 29th June 2017
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Anyone bothering with this round, just seven entries by the looks so far tumbleweed


16,372 posts

295 months

Thursday 29th June 2017
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Will be there with Olli in the Taz.


384 posts

247 months

Thursday 29th June 2017
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I'm going. But had a go last week in Tamora and didn't really like the track. Not cos I broke Tam, but just didn't enjoy the track


240 posts

143 months

Thursday 29th June 2017
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I'm one of the 7 so far , been watching Perry's videos but not getting much "feel" for the track
all reports say it's bumpy which doesn't suit my car so I'm going softer with spring rates F 600 R 450
using last years rubber as it's not worth a new set for only 2 meetings and don't think the new touring car sizes will fit on front end of the car, looking forward to seeing all old and new drivers , Chris


5,516 posts

275 months

Friday 30th June 2017
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Me. smile


5,516 posts

275 months

Friday 30th June 2017
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Where's the entry list?


1,025 posts

259 months

Friday 30th June 2017
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it's not on the BRSCC website but the provisional timetable is!

Mrs Hui


872 posts

185 months

Friday 30th June 2017
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I should be entering next week. Hope we get a good grid, last time at Combe was really good numbers iirc...

Been many times but will be first time driving it!


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Saturday 1st July 2017
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From BRSCC site prosolve confirmed entries:

Perry W
Andy R
Alan j
Oliver H
Darren S
Chris R
Michael B
Matt H
Tim D
Mike L
Marcus B
Dave S

Edited by 77racing on Thursday 6th July 16:57


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Saturday 1st July 2017
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ridgey said:
I'm one of the 7 so far , been watching Perry's videos but not getting much "feel" for the track
all reports say it's bumpy Chris
Don't be watching my vids I speed them up on movie maker first, before uploading them wink;) Track has been tarmacked a year or so ago. Not many bumps now. A few going into the curve leading to Quarry stay 750mm to right of apex if you can without crashing, again a few at the Apex of Tower and the worst for me is the exit onto westway , I stay a metre over to the left at that right kink, been in the weeds a few times on the right there . mind you better than the Armco on the left. Fast as you like, is Combe

MH Dneg

152 posts

145 months

Sunday 2nd July 2017
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Now there are 8...see you all there.


16,372 posts

295 months

Monday 3rd July 2017
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Olli is keen he's already been to coombe to test... look out 4ltr v8s, the tasmins are coming


516 posts

294 months

Tuesday 4th July 2017
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He is going to rev it then wink


1,923 posts

264 months

Thursday 6th July 2017
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George and me will be heading down Friday night or Saturday dependant on who's doing what...not been to this circuit before, we will probably camp

It would Be nice to try and increase tvrcc support of these races ......



384 posts

247 months

Thursday 6th July 2017
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I'm running down Friday night too. No idea on arrival time. I got top half of M25 to get through on a Friday night frown


1,647 posts

214 months

Thursday 6th July 2017
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I'm in drivingdrivingthumbup


9,464 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th July 2017
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If there's a serious PH contingent at this then I might pop over (I live a few miles away) and take some photos... having not been before, is the racing close?


240 posts

143 months

Monday 10th July 2017
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Hi Perry , very generous of you to share that information . Stay 750mm away from the apex !!! , if I can get within a yard of any apex I consider it a result .
PS are there power hook ups in the paddock or do we need gennys


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 10th July 2017
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ridgey said:
Hi Perry , very generous of you to share that information . Stay 750mm away from the apex !!! , if I can get within a yard of any apex I consider it a result .
PS are there power hook ups in the paddock or do we need gennys
Hi Chris,
I'm all for sharing info etc it's only club racing after all, not F1 and you still have to put it into practice to get a good lap. Combe is great and is much maligned because of the lack of run off. Well the "Green Hell" has even less and is considered the all time greatest race track. Most of the top manufacturers all covert the fastest lap round there in there sales blurb. I think Combe is great because it makes you drive precisely and is fast as you like. Going through Folly flat in a tasty car takes some big kahuna's which no dought Tim has as he was flat through Blanchimont which I have not managed yet. No power in the paddock jenny's required and there are plenty of drinking water taps all over.

Change that to no water near , according to the paddock plan they have put the TVR,s the furthest they can away from the paddock down towards quarry not even in the overflow paddock. good job it's not forecast much rain as that area is all grass. and miles from anything

Edited by 77racing on Monday 10th July 19:57


16,372 posts

295 months

Tuesday 11th July 2017
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77racing said:
Hi Chris,
I'm all for sharing info etc it's only club racing after all, not F1 and you still have to put it into practice to get a good lap. Combe is great and is much maligned because of the lack of run off. Well the "Green Hell" has even less and is considered the all time greatest race track. Most of the top manufacturers all covert the fastest lap round there in there sales blurb. I think Combe is great because it makes you drive precisely and is fast as you like. Going through Folly flat in a tasty car takes some big kahuna's which no dought Tim has as he was flat through Blanchimont which I have not managed yet. No power in the paddock jenny's required and there are plenty of drinking water taps all over.

Change that to no water near , according to the paddock plan they have put the TVR,s the furthest they can away from the paddock down towards quarry not even in the overflow paddock. good job it's not forecast much rain as that area is all grass. and miles from anything

Edited by 77racing on Monday 10th July 19:57
oh well at least its hands for putting up the tent lol