Outsize race boots



Original Poster:

16,381 posts

184 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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My old Alpine Star race boots have just about had it and am having trouble finding replacements in UK 14 or 15. Does anyone know where I might be able to get some please? (Any brand is fine. I only got A S as they were on offer and less than £50)

Some Gump

12,926 posts

197 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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When you say "just about had it", is it just the soles? Had my kart race boots resoled several times, because they wore soooo quick at the pedal (being an abrasive bar, not an actual flat pedal).


108 posts

216 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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I'm sure if you contacted Malcolm at MSAR safety (https://www.msar.co.uk/info.asp?i=5) he'd be able to find something in the size from one of the bigger suppliers.


Original Poster:

16,381 posts

184 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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1,181 posts

211 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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Stand21 do made-to-measure as well as larger sizes