LED rain light wiring

LED rain light wiring



Original Poster:

1 posts

93 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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I'm having problems getting an LED rain light to work properly. It's one of the cheap (£20 ish) ones from JJC/DT and comes with two resistors that are supposed to be wired in series in the positive connection. I'm also trying to wire a small LED dash warning lamp into the circuit to show that it's on.

When wired as per the vague instructions with two resistors it is very dim, to the point where it is only just visible in a dark garage. With only one resistor it is brighter but still not as bright as a car rear sidelight. I'm thinking of just removing the resistors altogether but have heard that the light will blow fairly quickly if I do that.

Has anyone had a similar problem or any experts out there that can shed any light on this?!
