Why have penalties for issues within a team?

Why have penalties for issues within a team?



Original Poster:

16,438 posts

245 months

Wednesday 21st June 2017
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I have just watched an incident in Formula E where one car was released from its pit and was blocked by the team's other car coming in to the same pit area. it affected both cars and the team overall.

So why did the stewards then give one car a penalty? No other team was involved and the team it related to had shot themselves in the foot with both cars anyway.


3,280 posts

167 months

Wednesday 21st June 2017
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Why not? Drivers are still racing for points so if one driver impedes another even if they're within the same team it needs to be dealt with fairly and equally to that as another team


638 posts

219 months

Wednesday 21st June 2017
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I think that one came under the heading of "unsafe release" (certainly it was a near collision from what I recall, albeit at slow speed) and I think it's quite reasonable to penalise for safety related issues, even when they occur within a team.


2,143 posts

100 months

Thursday 22nd June 2017
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If the cars had hit each other and one car had bounced into the mechanics in the next pit, would it have involved one team?

It's perfectly fine for safety issues but it's more of a grey area for on track incidents, like collisions or blocking penalties.