Hi folks another Motorsport question from my lad!

Hi folks another Motorsport question from my lad!


silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Saturday 17th June 2017
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Thanks in advance as he's a bit stuck on an assignment!!!

how to calibrate a Damper Position Sensor or Linear Potentiometer on a Damper please?

Thanks chaps!



11,292 posts

199 months

Saturday 17th June 2017
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Tell him to goggle Stanley Unwin...........He was a go to expert at explaining things back in the day...hope that helps wink


2,914 posts

187 months

Saturday 17th June 2017
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He'd need to be able to move the damper to each extreme end of travel, and measure the output from the linear pot. Measure the height at each extreme. It's just a bit of maths to calculate the damper extension, once you know these four values. Practically, you'd probably need to do this without the spring fitted. Does that help?

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Saturday 17th June 2017
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Cheers chaps!


1,126 posts

133 months

Saturday 17th June 2017
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silverback mike said:
Thanks in advance as he's a bit stuck on an assignment!!!

how to calibrate a Damper Position Sensor or Linear Potentiometer on a Damper please?

Thanks chaps!

A linear potentiometer will give out a voltage proportional to position. Assuming the linear pot is aligned to measure along the linear stroke of the damper, he'll need to measure the voltage at both the minimum and maximum stroke positions (fully compressed, and fully extended), then measure the distance of full travel of the damper. Once he's got these 3 values (Vmin, Vmax, and stroke distance) he'll be able to get the calibration figure in V/mm. Hope that helps...?


653 posts

289 months

Sunday 18th June 2017
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Is this really what education has come to - getting your Dad to do your homework via internet forums?

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,884 posts

246 months

Sunday 18th June 2017
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sfaulds said:
Is this really what education has come to - getting your Dad to do your homework via internet forums?
...not much different to copying your mate's is it biggrin

silverback mike

Original Poster:

11,292 posts

264 months

Sunday 18th June 2017
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He's just asking for help in one part of it, as above, much like asking a friend.

Thanks for the help folks thumbup