Spa Francorchamps 2017

Spa Francorchamps 2017



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 13th June 2017
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One week today, well excited . Entry lists are out 74 car grid for the inter series bring them on. Bill and I want to lock out the front row............................. at the Bar eek . Not much chance against a clutch of M3 GT4's but hey it's Spa and any think will happen. Best of luck everyone, see you all there on Wednesday late PM for the stampead.


1,025 posts

259 months


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Thursday 15th June 2017
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just in case anyone comes on here anymore , some motivation

darren no 7

558 posts

259 months

Friday 16th June 2017
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I was looking forward to racing there ,(sharing A car with dean ) but they won't let me drive as I haven't raced with them before !!!!!!


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Friday 16th June 2017
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Bummer last minute news.Darren there is a rule in the regs saying you must have raced at least twice before been allowed to race at Spa. I assumed you or Dean knew that and had it passed with the office. The rule is so the powers at be can assess your driving standards as I understood it and to stop people just entering Spa and not racing at any other CSCC round. Although I do know of a few people who only do Spa and don't race back at home unfair as i see it to single one out and not all. Will you still be coming over. We always have a cold beer in the fridge if you do.

darren no 7

558 posts

259 months

Friday 16th June 2017
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I would have come over but I'm going to race at Silverstone now have a good one ( hopefully it will be dry and I won't have my wets on !)


5,516 posts

275 months

Saturday 17th June 2017
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darren no 7 said:
I was looking forward to racing there ,(sharing A car with dean ) but they won't let me drive as I haven't raced with them before !!!!!!


1,940 posts

281 months

Saturday 17th June 2017
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Had to withdraw my inter-series entry unfortunately but will be there in support. The saved race entry fee goes towards the new bigger, better and more powerful engine rebuild! evildriving


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Sunday 18th June 2017
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Shame that Keith see you there.

All loaded now ready to go..................

DSC_0911 by flat chat, on Flickr


516 posts

294 months

Wednesday 21st June 2017
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Good luck to everyone at spa I will be missing it this year . bring on next year Pete


1,025 posts

259 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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What happened Perry?


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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Engine hydroliced when I went start it on Thursday morning, straight off the trailer. Bent rod ,split liner and bracken piston. Engine going back to builder to strip it down to assess all the damage.


1,025 posts

259 months

Thursday 29th June 2017
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Thas was bad luck, Perry.
Where did the water come from to make it hydraulic? Was it a water leak into the cylinder?


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 1st August 2017
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So been a little while, but she's back...................................................

DSC_1008 by flat chat, on Flickr

Two things going on at the same time, one) a bolt sucked in from throttle boddies resulting in a bent rod, split liner , piston etc damaged , head work needed and valves. Two) that unseen devil ....................................DET you can clearly see it on both pistons. That was caused by me trying to ring all from the engine and going over the top a bit. It will go back in the hole later this week with luck and be used in anger with CSCC race at Combe on 12th August against two other rapid Tuscan's in Future Classic's can't wait. Bill & Stewart see you both there.

DSC_1009 by flat chat, on Flickr


16,372 posts

295 months

Wednesday 2nd August 2017
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bugger, atleast its back in one piece though.

do you have timings for the qually / race. i might try to get down for the morning



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Wednesday 2nd August 2017
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I will post up soon as they are out , on here. separate post no dought. I see all the front runners are testing tomorrow don't they take it seriously at the pointy end LOL