Help! Trying to locate AP service kits

Help! Trying to locate AP service kits



Original Poster:

10,569 posts

171 months

Tuesday 13th June 2017
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Hi all,

Our Formula Student team is looking to service our AP racing CP4226, CP4227 calipers and twin AP Racing CP7855-905PRTE master cylinders.
To do so we require the right caliper seal repairs kit, bleed screws and pad retainers. For the master cylinders we need the appropriate repair kits.

Part Part No. QTY
Seal Repair Kit (CP4226 Callipers) - CP4518-A 4
Seal Repair Kit (CP4227 Callipers) - CP4518-AA 4
Retainer Pin (R/Clip) - CP4226-104 10
Bleed Screw - CP4469-101 10
Master Cylinder Repair Kit (CP7855-905PRTE) - CP7855-905RK 4

The catch is that we need these urgently - a couple of days lead time at most. No-one we have found so far has any in stock. The best reply we have had so far is from BG Developments, however their lead time is 6 weeks.

Can anyone please help?



555 posts

236 months

Wednesday 14th June 2017
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Try Questmead in Rochdale.


Original Poster:

10,569 posts

171 months

Wednesday 14th June 2017
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We have tried those and they have none in stock either.

Weirdly, AP themselves keep referring us to stockists rather than being able to deal with us directly.


1,382 posts

221 months

Thursday 15th June 2017
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Hi. Not sure if any of this is any use to you but an ad has just come on Racecarsdirect advertising various AP service parts. Hope this helps.