Very grass roots motorsport!

Very grass roots motorsport!



Original Poster:

41,030 posts

201 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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Some snaps and video from this weekends ALRC National event, which was held at Stainby.


194 posts

106 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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Looks a great day out


Original Poster:

41,030 posts

201 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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ForZiE23 said:
Looks a great day out
It's actually a full 3 day event.

Day 1 CCV Trial
Day 2 RTV Trial & Team Recovery run along side each other
Day 3 Comp Safari


194 posts

106 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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So possibly a stupid or naive question! ... Where do you find out about these events from a spectator / no club member point. I remember going to something very similar will a friend and his dad 10 years or so ago but he was a member of a local club out their way. We left the course in an old range rover he had plastered in mud, took it to a local garage jet was to clean off!!


4,747 posts

233 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
quotequote all
Looks good fun.
Surprised thecompetitors arent wearing helmets given possibility ofbeing jerked around and proximity ofheads to the roll cages in some ofthe shots. Striking theroll cage must be a concern as some competitors have fitted padding.


Original Poster:

41,030 posts

201 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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ForZiE23 said:
So possibly a stupid or naive question! ... Where do you find out about these events from a spectator / no club member point. I remember going to something very similar will a friend and his dad 10 years or so ago but he was a member of a local club out their way. We left the course in an old range rover he had plastered in mud, took it to a local garage jet was to clean off!!
The National is an annual event and normally changes location each year, although there are some sites used multiple times over the years.

There are 3 other major events of the year on the Land Rover calendar. The Majors, Mendips and the Baskervilles.

Most info is through Facebook or local club sites.

This is good facebook page:

And here is the ALRC's main website: