Which Motosport event to attend 2017

Which Motosport event to attend 2017



Original Poster:

103 posts

259 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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Hi guys,

I have promised myself that this year I am going attend a Motorsport event as I haven't done anything car related for quite some time now. I really enjoyed going to Renaultsport days when I was younger which featured the Clio/Megane cup racing as well as other series through out the day. I am looking for something similar as close to the West Midlands as possible.

Any suggestions?


12,357 posts

295 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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WEC at Silverstone.

One of the Classic Festival type meets (Silverstone, Donington, Oulton all have them, plus of course the Goodwood events).

FIA Top Fuel dragsters at Santa Pod. (Went last year for the first time, and despite attending hundreds of motorsport events in the past I was properly amazed at the spectacle).

BTCC or British GT at any number of circuits around the midlands.

lucido grigio

44,044 posts

174 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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Nearest circuits to West Midlands are Silverstone, Mallory park or Donington.

Check out their websites for forthcoming events.


2,827 posts

156 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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Where in the West Midlands are you ?
It is a huge area.
If you are in the north west of the area, I thoroughly recommend the Gold Cup at Oulton Park.
Sat 26th Aug until Mon 28th of August.

Link thing below


194 posts

106 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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Lots of good events and club days running at silverstone. 750MC always has a good mix there and £10 tickets normally so reasonable.


Original Poster:

103 posts

259 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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I'm based in Solihull so South Birmingham, I have also been offered some hospitality tickets for formula 4 at silverstone I'm just not sure what other series will be there.

lucido grigio

44,044 posts

174 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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If you want a freebie ,there's a PHSS at Silverstone been announced just this afternoon on 11th June.

Britisg GT race n stuff.