HSCC International - Silverstone - 20th May 2017

HSCC International - Silverstone - 20th May 2017



Original Poster:

81 posts

124 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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The HSCC had the annual International meeting at Silverstone on the 20/21 May. The weekends racing covered a wide range of their series from the Derek Bell Trophy to the 70's Road Sports, there was sum thing for everyone with over 400 cars entered for the weekend.

Only down side on the Saturday was the rain which hit just as the Historic Formula Ford were on their warm-up lap and caused the red flag as it was just torrential then when it returned again for the Derek Bell Trophy to get red flagged a few laps early.

Any how here's my pics n vid from Saturday, skip to 14:10 in vid to see how bad the rain was!

