R.I.P Nicky Hayden



Original Poster:

65 months


758 posts

287 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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27,619 posts

178 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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'After a life spent fully and passionately emerged in the dangerous world of two-wheel motorsport, it was a cycling accident that ultimately claimed the life of the Kentucky Kid. Struck by a car while cycling in Italy, Nicky succumbed to the injuries he sustained on Monday.'

How gutting. Absolutely awful for it to happen in any way but particularly because it was such an innocent thing he was doing. frown


850 posts

140 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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Very sad news, I used to love watching him race on the Repsol Honda.


18,789 posts

239 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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Absolutely horrible news. As a cyclist myself, it hits home even more.

He was a couple of years younger than me. No age at all.


T S Magnum

487 posts

213 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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Very nice guy, young himself and with a young daughter. Such a waste. RIP Number 69.


25 posts

239 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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One of the best guys in motorsport. Inspiration not only as a MotoGP World Champion but also as a person and showed how to live your life.

Freddie Spencer: ‘I’m proud of him not for what he did on track, but for the way he carried himself.’

Says it all. RIP Kentucky Kid #NH69