Blancpain Endurance Series - Silverstone 2017

Blancpain Endurance Series - Silverstone 2017



Original Poster:

81 posts

124 months

Sunday 14th May 2017
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Was at Silverstone on Saturday and it was great to have so much access, there was a very open and friendly atmosphere not only in main Blancpain area but in the support areas as well.

Just watched the race on their YouTube channel, other organisers could really learn from SRO on how to move with the times.

Any how heres my pics from Saturday:


22,227 posts

244 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Was there both days and the racing was spot on with almost all of the races having good dices at the front and through the field.

Well worth going on to the GT World YouTube channel and looking at the highlights.


59 posts

96 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Great pictures geordiecraig101...

Was there on the Sunday... Really good day, access all areas including inside the pit garages and not rammed with crowds..

Here are a couple of pictures taken on the day..


22,227 posts

244 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Even an old 'seen it all, done a lot of it' cynic like me had to pause on the way out yesterday to get a picture of the white LFA. Also took a few of the Koningsegg but mainly because the owner was there and it would have seemed a little rude to ignore him and his car hehe


5,724 posts

228 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Watched Sundays race via YT on my smart TV. It ran perfectly with no buffering, as has been said SRO have really got this right.

Lots of cameras and IMHO good commentators, though I do appreciate that Martin Haven isn't everyone's cup of tea!

It was a very good race and I'll be watching more.


242 posts

175 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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I'll watch YT tonight to see the highlights. Heading to Spa this July for the 24hr and cannot wait.I'm sure it'll be brilliant.


194 posts

106 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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I was also there Saturday. Was a great days racing especially the Blancpain GT sports club final race of the day. Three car battle for 1st place with great racing.


Original Poster:

81 posts

124 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Just a quick one, here's my vid from Saturday if anyone interest:


607 posts

139 months

Tuesday 16th May 2017
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Great pics/video above. I went Sunday and have to say it's definitely the best endurance race I've witnessed. Thoroughly enjoyed the day and will hopefully go again next year, not overcrowded either which was good. This is a rather poor video I took of the McLaren going off in the race.