


Original Poster:

426 posts

164 months

Saturday 13th May 2017
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Any PHers going to the N24 in a few weeks?

Captain Caveman

86 posts

186 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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I'll be there in my purple V10 RS6 Avant smile


Original Poster:

426 posts

164 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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Enjoy the drive, I'll be taking my new 340i and taking advantage of the roads smile

My first N24 in person, done a few VLNs before but this is a whole new thing!

andy kirby

64 posts

199 months

Saturday 5th May 2018
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Yep .think it's 4th year now. Leaving Thursday morning. Going via the tunnel see how it goes. Trusty diesel zaf on maiden ring trip


Original Poster:

426 posts

164 months

Monday 7th May 2018
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Never went last year but all booked for next weekend.


12,345 posts

295 months

Monday 7th May 2018
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There was a photo on the official Ring instagram account of people already arriving and setting up their camping!


1,596 posts

236 months

Friday 11th May 2018
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Live from 13.45 , Tomorrow the 12th.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiH0e8U_h7E