Dave Allen enduro



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Thursday 11th May 2017
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29th may at Castle Combe. All TVR's will be accepted as long as they meet MSA regs and 105 noise. Should be no problem . 30 mins qually 45 mins race with enforced pit stop all for £275.00 second driver £25.00. What's not to like could be the bargain track time of the year. Entries close very soon , I forgot to post it up.


1,647 posts

214 months

Thursday 11th May 2017
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very tempting but a mad year so far and only getting busier, and already racing at Silverstone on 28th


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Friday 12th May 2017
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Yes I know what you mean, I am at sillystone in the rover as well. then on way back drop into combe for the Dave Allen, got a mate meeting me there with the chevy that's the plan. At that money, for hour and quarter tracktime thought I would post it up, the race is subsidised by Honda UK in memory of their test driver Dave Allen. Iv'e done the race a few times now when Britcar ran it. Gorden Sheddon is as quick as he looks on telly LOL


1,647 posts

214 months

Friday 12th May 2017
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can a caterham run in that race


1,025 posts

259 months

Friday 12th May 2017
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The answer is probably here somewhere!




Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Friday 12th May 2017
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tbdgriff500 said:
can a caterham run in that race
yes a couple of caterfield spinning tops have raced it before call Jo on 01249 784160 to confirm


Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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38 car grid only one other TVR bar mine. Shame as it is really cheap for the track time . Looking forward to seeing you and the car Darren

darren no 7

558 posts

259 months

Wednesday 24th May 2017
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See you there let's hope it stays sunny


516 posts

294 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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What happened no results shown ?



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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Hi Pete,

DSC_0850 by flat chat, on Flickr

for TVR car 77 third in class "A" some video's that will show me sideways into quarry during qually and a ginnetta G55 nibbling at my rear wing to come in the next few days . All good stuff. Darren decided to change from wets to slix mid race but not a great result with that strategy . I think took too long to turn the car around . I used Rain sport three tyres and they were just ok in dry just ok in wet but kept us going round. more to follow. knackered after racing at silly stone and combe in one weekend getting old I fear.


516 posts

294 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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Well done local track local knowledge cool
Hard luck Darren.


darren no 7

558 posts

259 months

Tuesday 30th May 2017
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I think the 10 minutes it took to change the wheels finished our race ! Thanks to Christian d and Andy r for your help otherwise it would have been 20 mins 😄


516 posts

294 months

Tuesday 30th May 2017
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Just out of interest is Steve Hall racing a silhouette.If so say hello from me have not see him since the old intermarque championship when I was racing the
Cosworth Tasmin.



Original Poster:

3,346 posts

198 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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yes I do see him out in GT's quite a bit in his Audi TT .He was out in the Dave Allen i'm sure I saw him in qually. so will pass on your regards. see you in 4 weeks on the other side of the channel in the land of the garlic mushroom and 57 varieties of mayonnaise' ( very excited )

Edited by 77racing on Wednesday 31st May 06:28