Dr John Hinds The Fastest Road Racing Doctor

Dr John Hinds The Fastest Road Racing Doctor



Original Poster:

65 months

Monday 1st May 2017
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I am ashamed to say that I knew nothing about Dr John Hinds and the work he did with the Road Racing scene in Ireland until a few days ago when I came across this footage on YouTube.

The road racing is not something I have followed much apart from the Isle of Man TT.

After watching this and hearing the stories of horrendous accident and the amazing work Dr Hinds did I wanted to share the clip with you all.

He seems a very funny man and typical Irish humour which helps when discussing serious accidents.

Unfortunately Dr Hinds was killed after crashing while on his way attending to an accident.


Edited by anonymous-user on Monday 1st May 14:36


3,249 posts

229 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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Knew about Dr.John for many years and was very well thought of. If you get chance look for some of his youtube footage of the paramedic training he did, very dry and very clever too.

A big miss to the community.


1,997 posts

215 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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Me neither, and I'm in the same specialty and a motorsport medic (although rallying, not road racing)

And he died in 2015! One for the "Grim Reaper" thread on 10/10 if there ever was, far more than most recalled there.


Original Poster:

65 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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zeb said:
Knew about Dr.John for many years and was very well thought of. If you get chance look for some of his youtube footage of the paramedic training he did, very dry and very clever too.

A big miss to the community.
Yes I have been watching a few of his youtube paramedic training video's. Very informative and clearly he knew what he was doing.

Very sad loss to the safety team involved with the road racing community.


Original Poster:

65 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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tapkaJohnD said:
Me neither, and I'm in the same specialty and a motorsport medic (although rallying, not road racing)

And he died in 2015! One for the "Grim Reaper" thread on 10/10 if there ever was, far more than most recalled there.
Hopefully you are not having to attend to too many nasty accidents whilst looking after the rally boys.

The road racing seems near impossible not to crash.

The North West 200 is coming up this weekend so hopefully the riders stay safe.

Eric Mc

123,290 posts

276 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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These guys are the last embodiment of what true road racers should be and they carry a heritage that dates right back to the dawn of motorsport at the beginning of the 20th century - both two and four wheeled.

I have massive respect for them - but I always fear for them too.


Original Poster:

65 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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Eric Mc said:
These guys are the last embodiment of what true road racers should be and they carry a heritage that dates right back to the dawn of motorsport at the beginning of the 20th century - both two and four wheeled.

I have massive respect for them - but I always fear for them too.
Totally agree mate.

Compared to other motorsport events this is by far the purest form of excitement, skill and danger.

I too have massive respect for anyone wanting to put their lives on the line each time they attend an event.

In a way this purity has been lost in most if not all other forms of motorsport hence why this and the Isle of Man is so popular.

For a car racer you perhaps have Le Man, the Indy 500, hillclimbing and rallying but still it is pretty safe compared to this.

The families of these men must go through hell.

Edited by anonymous-user on Tuesday 2nd May 20:46

Eric Mc

123,290 posts

276 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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I used to go to various road races in Ireland (Skerries and the Phoenix Park mostly) and they were great fun. But eventually (probably due to age) I began to fear that I would see something terrible.

However. I do watch the TT and Northwest 200 now that are shown on TV and I just love the whole ethos of it.