Hillclimb crash video (nearly flip, driver ok)

Hillclimb crash video (nearly flip, driver ok)



Original Poster:

19 posts

218 months

Monday 1st May 2017
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I was filming the Manx Classic Hilclimb at the weekend here in the Isle of Man, and happened to capture a crash.

Driver ok thankfully, but that neck movement must be a good advert for the use of Hans Devices 😳


I had also never heard of an Elva Courier, but here you can see one being nearly flipped!

Eric Mc

123,290 posts

276 months

Monday 1st May 2017
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Lucky chap. Hope it's not too expensive to fix.


1,997 posts

215 months

Monday 1st May 2017
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Are flameproofs not required for the Manx Hillclimb?

Wearing an old mac seems a bit casual.


29,118 posts

259 months

Monday 1st May 2017
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tapkaJohnD said:
Are flameproofs not required for the Manx Hillclimb?

Wearing an old mac seems a bit casual.
There'll be a race suit under that.


16,387 posts

257 months

Monday 1st May 2017
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The car seems remarkably robust; it was still apparently straight and square. It was a good example of 'proper' whiplash!


4,536 posts

108 months

Monday 1st May 2017
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Jesus, it's the fact that he took a couple of seconds to compose himself, ensured that all 4 wheels were pointing in the right direction, then went and casually parked up.