Circuit des Remparts ANGOULÊME 2017 is it happening?

Circuit des Remparts ANGOULÊME 2017 is it happening?



Original Poster:

1 posts

95 months

Wednesday 19th April 2017
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Can anyone confirm if this French event is happening this year? I have not been before and want to go but the website says "The ACOCRA will not organize the Circuit des Remparts 2017" and many of their website links just take you back to the home page. I have searched all over the web and can't find anything to say its cancelled but can find nothing. Please help so I can book flights, cheers.


621 posts

145 months

Thursday 20th April 2017
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Hi, scenic car tours are still showing it and so are some others


2 posts

136 months

Sunday 7th May 2017
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Sicobra said:
Can anyone confirm if this French event is happening this year? I have not been before and want to go but the website says "The ACOCRA will not organize the Circuit des Remparts 2017" and many of their website links just take you back to the home page. I have searched all over the web and can't find anything to say its cancelled but can find nothing. Please help so I can book flights, cheers.
Check out this site, the company that organised it previously are not involved with it this year...


4 posts

93 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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Hi everyone,

The Circuit des Remparts at Angouleme is definitely still ON.

Friday 15th Sept = Concourse Event in the evening.

Sat 16th Sept = International Rallye & Club Rallye.
Hundreds of Classics take part in a Touristique Rallye around the Charente countryside.

Sunday 17th Sept = Racing around the Street Circuit. (AM = Qualification PM = Racing)
  • In addition there are Cars of all types and years Exhibited around the pedestrianised area.
This weekend long event is a "must see", the whole town echoes to the sound of Classics, from all years.

Should you require further help, our English Speaking Helpline is: 0033 (0)6 85 33 82 85

See you in September.


4 posts

93 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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The webpage is

Seats are all sold out to watch the Racing, but you can still get the Entry Wristbands which get you into the Pits and around the Circuit to view.


1 posts

95 months

Wednesday 30th August 2017
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Our first Angoulême visit this year, Chantilly Arts & Elegance, then a few days at Hotel de France in La Chartre sur le Loir, finally Angoulême weekend, very much looking forward to it


4 posts

93 months

Monday 25th September 2017
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So did anyone actually visit the event and if so, what are your thoughts ?