Btcc Thruxton Test This Thursday 20th April

Btcc Thruxton Test This Thursday 20th April



Original Poster:

5 posts

109 months

Monday 17th April 2017
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Just wondering if anyone's planning on going? Free entry and some btcc and btcc support teams will be in attendance- went last year and was a great day out parked in the paddock and mingled all day also anyone know what teams may be there? Ta


47 posts

133 months

Monday 17th April 2017
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We can't go on Thursday but there is an afternoon test on Friday which we are hoping to go to.
I assume this is a test for the CSCC meeting at the weekend or a general test?
Does anyone have any info?



104 posts

195 months

Tuesday 18th April 2017
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Friday afternoon is a general test but CSCC had priority booking up to a certain date. I would guess therefore that it will be mostly CSCC