Bernie's pit stops and re fueling

Bernie's pit stops and re fueling



Original Poster:

240 posts

143 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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Hi all , just had a look at Bernie's regs and there's no mention of re fueling , is it allowed ? And if so can the driver do it .
Looking at the 750mc enduro regs they need a bod with fire extinguisher and a re fueler both in fire proof clothing with engine off and tail pipe covered and driver out of car ( and probably some guy from Kosova cleaning your windscreen )


16,373 posts

295 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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No refueling from what i've seen.


872 posts

185 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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Don't think its allowed. I had to put a bigger tank in ours a couple of years ago to do the 40min races.


3,346 posts

198 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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Chris if you have to refuel that will be your race done, as it will take at least 5 minutes and to give you an idea we do the simulated driver change in under 30 seconds and back out. No refuelling in CSCC not sure about 750mc


1,647 posts

214 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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definitely no re- fuelling in the 40 minute races, and you have to pit for a minute stop but don't have to jump out and can leave car running, which helps the fat boys !!


Original Poster:

240 posts

143 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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BUMMER I think my tank is about 25-30 litres and I have about an inch left after a 20 min race , I'd better talk Mr Luck to see if he can help , or maybe fit a 20L swirl pot and some very fat fuel pipe and only use 5th gear . Thanks for the help we've got 3 weeks to sort so should be ok .