Redbull TV



Original Poster:

793 posts

178 months

Monday 3rd April 2017
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Has anyone used this app before? I downloaded it at the weekend and it seems to have buckets of Motorsports to watch amongst other things.

If you have used it what do you recommend to watch?


19,265 posts

178 months

Monday 3rd April 2017
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If you like mountain biking or just watching stuff that's visually awesome then I highly recommend Where The Trail Ends


4,480 posts

152 months

Monday 3rd April 2017
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I've been using it for the WRC live streams.


Original Poster:

793 posts

178 months

Monday 3rd April 2017
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Yeah was keen on a mountain bike myself as a yoof and would like to get back on mine for fitness etc. Might encourage the eldest boy away from they BMX types as a bonus if he'll watch some with me.

The WRC was the reason I downloaded it and will try catch them all live now. I've been relying on channels 5's coverage so far this season so wasting 2/3 of the hour on ad breaks.


1,723 posts

198 months

Monday 3rd April 2017
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KarlMac said:
I've been using it for the WRC live streams.
This, Dakar and motorbike enduro racing. Their coverage is pretty good, and best of all free!!

IMG and Monster, take note about how it should be done ref the Rallycross thread.


19,265 posts

178 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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I wonder if it shows upto date/live coverage of the Red Bull GRC? Haven't looked actually.


118 posts

146 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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SteellFJ said:
Might encourage the eldest boy away from they BMX types as a bonus if he'll watch some with me.
Riding BMX is better than being a couch potato...


9,470 posts

239 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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I use it to watch the WRC when I can find it, the whole thing is very badly designed IMHO


215 posts

192 months

Saturday 15th April 2017
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K50 DEL said:
I use it to watch the WRC when I can find it, the whole thing is very badly designed IMHO
The layout can be a bit confusing, but I think the content is really good. I was very surprised at the quality of the WRC coverage, it's been so good to be able to keep up with this years rallies as they unfold.

There are a ton of decent motorcross videos on there as well plus, as said above, quite a bit of Dakar.