Rogues Gallery of who's out this season

Rogues Gallery of who's out this season



Original Poster:

1,647 posts

214 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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ok so who's up for Dtech this year,
I'm out in a Class C chimaera, for the whole season,
so who's in what?? I have seen a snippet that Michael Hamilton will be back with a faster 5. L chimaera class B I presume.


Original Poster:

1,647 posts

214 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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3,386 posts

282 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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I'll be out in Class A with a seldom seen Tuscan biggrin


872 posts

185 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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I will be doing class B in the Griff. Only doing Speedfest of the Brands' and cant make Silverstone. Should be at the rest all being well!!


5,516 posts

275 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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I'm out in the Baby Monster (GpC Griff) keeping Tim honest.
All DTC :P


240 posts

143 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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DTEC and Bernie's for me . Already paid up for Brands GP on May 1st as I belive it could be over subscribed .

MH Dneg

152 posts

145 months

Sunday 26th March 2017
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I'm out in DTEC and Bernie's...all rounds of both!
Hopefully the Tuscan and I will not be laying down a smoke screen this season!


16,373 posts

295 months

Wednesday 29th March 2017
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I should be out by Brands 1st of may in the Tuscan and then the speedfest. not sure about brands dtec and not a fan of coombe so not planning on that.

If its ready Oli is aiming to do all the bernies and dtec rounds in the taz


16,373 posts

295 months

Thursday 30th March 2017
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Brands GP entry for my car just gone in bounce