12 Hours of Sebring



Original Poster:

7,225 posts

197 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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So Motorsport.tv lists the race, but as I'm sat in front of the TV all I see is adverts!

Fortunately IMSA stream the race here.



90,149 posts

295 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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It's on now.

technical problems they say.


Original Poster:

7,225 posts

197 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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I hoped the channel would improve with the take over, but it seems worse and really struggles with live action.

Edit: The commentary is awful too. It sounds like a radio from the 50s and one of them has a sore thoat. Back to watching online and hoping my sky broadband behaves for a change.

Edited by Allyc85 on Saturday 18th March 15:40


4,124 posts

243 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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Picture quality's miles better though


777 posts

277 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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a decidedly average start to their transmission today.....nearly 20 minutes of 'crash' musical items then just abruptly into the 'live' coverage 11 minutes into the race.....technical difficulties at the track. I wish they could have put up a caption, at least, to tell us they were having problems.
Still, come on the 62!


Original Poster:

7,225 posts

197 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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Such calmness to pick where to hit the wall as the brakes failed on the Mazda!


1,656 posts

218 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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Allyc85 said:
I hoped the channel would improve with the take over, but it seems worse and really struggles with live action.

Edit: The commentary is awful too. It sounds like a radio from the 50s and one of them has a sore thoat. Back to watching online and hoping my sky broadband behaves for a change.

Edited by Allyc85 on Saturday 18th March 15:40
That guy always has a sore throat, he should have given up commentating 20 years ago. Poor coverage and a wobbly line through the screen every few minutes that make the cars look like they are splitting in two. better than nothing mind.


4,805 posts

259 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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It's streaming live on FS1 here in The US.
Sun going down, get ready for some Yellow flags being waved.


777 posts

277 months

Sunday 19th March 2017
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I enjoyed it too, although the last 3 hours had to be recorded and watched first thing this morning.


4,124 posts

243 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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Me too, sadly that meant the last 3 hours were with the MotorsportTV commentary, not the IMSA radio / Radio Le mans comms.