Circuit of Wales - never going to happen?

Circuit of Wales - never going to happen?



Original Poster:

6,469 posts

121 months

Thursday 2nd March 2017
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...and if it does it will be taking our money down with it.

If Trevor Carlin cannot see how it will ever get the use to pay for itself, who else in motorsport knows better?


15,251 posts

234 months


4,082 posts

131 months

Thursday 2nd March 2017
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And so they should. Circuit of wales has always been a white elephant as far as I am concerned.


1,171 posts

206 months

Thursday 27th April 2017
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10,395 posts

258 months

Sunday 30th April 2017
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I'm amazed Dorna sold them the rights to MotoGP until 2024!! yikes

Somebody clearly has a very silver tongue.


24,400 posts

232 months

Sunday 30th April 2017
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More like Ezpeleta didn't have any one else interested int the U.K. Round as Silverstone said they couldn't make it pay and turned it down.

COW won't ever happen,it stinks way more than GIlets attempt at getting Bernies circus at Donny.


10,395 posts

258 months

Sunday 30th April 2017
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Why are they hosting it currently then? Are they getting a kickback from someone/getting it at a vastly reduced rate?


24,400 posts

232 months

Sunday 30th April 2017
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Yep. COW would be in breach of contract if they couldn't run the event,so SIlverstone get it cheap.
We are in very real danger of not having a British bike gp in the future .

So many Asian markets have the money now.


2,143 posts

100 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
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Plan B: Put a pitlane on the A5 part of the Evo Triangle.

Would make an interesting circuit.


1,597 posts

236 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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Tomorrow ministers will decide whether to give the circuit a £210m guarantee.


9,069 posts

155 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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They could use the design a bit further west and call it the Circuit of Northern Ireland perhaps? It would certainly be affordable then , thanks to Mrs May's new found money tree - the one she denied existed pre election ........


2,382 posts

212 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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the money has been refused and the project is all but dead.


10,395 posts

258 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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5,522 posts

206 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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jurbie said:
the money has been refused and the project is all but dead.
I did think of this plan a few weeks back when I was at an all but deserted Rockingham for a race day.


Original Poster:

6,469 posts

121 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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Centurion07 said:
LOL. Well it would be if they hadn't wasted so much of our money on something so blindingly obviously doomed to failure.


Original Poster:

6,469 posts

121 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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mcdjl said:
I did think of this plan a few weeks back when I was at an all but deserted Rockingham for a race day.
At least this never made it into a pre-doomed reality.

Rare moment of common sense from ministers - seeing through the BS.


4,120 posts

243 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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JonChalk said:
At least this never made it into a pre-doomed reality.

Rare moment of common sense from ministers - seeing through the BS.
After how many years and how many millions though?

BoRED S2upid

20,468 posts

251 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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jurbie said:
the money has been refused and the project is all but dead.
Nobody in Wales will be surprised by this.


Original Poster:

6,469 posts

121 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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FredericRobinson said:
After how many years and how many millions though?

I mean it could have been worse, but you're right; what idiot thought it was a good idea anyway?


4,120 posts

243 months

Tuesday 27th June 2017
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It was a good idea for those who put it forward, they've managed to spin this out for years