WEC rules list?



Original Poster:

1,364 posts

107 months

Thursday 2nd March 2017
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Very random question indeed, but unlike F1, I cannot find a detailed list of WEC rules.

I found the regulations page, which lists points Cars etc, but it does not specify specific rules such as blue flags, defensive moves and the such.

Is there anywhere I can read up on these rules?

Red Firecracker

5,302 posts

238 months

Thursday 2nd March 2017
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FIA series so it falls under the FIA Sporting Regulations, International Sporting Code for stuff such as Blue Flags etc;



1,134 posts

157 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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Slightly off-topic, i was looking forward to the first round at Silverstone even with Audi pulling out, however i've got a clash with a wedding. i've got 2 weekend tickets including Sunday pit walk going spare if any forum members would like them at face value, please PM.