Which in car camera?



Original Poster:

110 posts

115 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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Looking for suggestions for a camera to mount in competition saloon car. Ideally something that's fairly sensibly priced &
above all is easy to use & setup.
Thanks smile


3,482 posts

265 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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I use an SJ4000 that I bought off of ebay a few years ago.

Considering the cost (about £40 from memory I'm happy with the results)

example of footage here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GwQArjLD2I


Original Poster:

110 posts

115 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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Thanks, is that simple to operate?


3,482 posts

265 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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Yeah, one button to start and stop.

Only thing which would be beneficial would be a remote control, we have to have it mounted in such away that the driver is visible which means I have to start recording before i've got in the car and sorted belts out etc but at the price I really can't complain.


Original Poster:

110 posts

115 months

Wednesday 1st March 2017
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Thanks for that smile


524 posts

122 months

Wednesday 1st March 2017
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I've got a SJ4000 too, great quality for the price. While it doesn't have a remote, it can be operated via a phone app if you get the wifi version.


35,349 posts

245 months

Friday 3rd March 2017
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I might be stating the obvious here, but one of the main concerns in a saloon car is how the camera judges its lighting level. I tried filming a bit on trackdays in my Elise years ago and it was fine with the hood off, but with the hood up it adjusted itself for the light level inside the car, leaving the track all washed out and over-exposed.

I use a bog standard Go Pro and am very pleased. The only annoying tendency is for the mounting to slip over bumps occasionally, leaving the camera pointing in a slightly different direction.