Tuscan wheels anyone?

Tuscan wheels anyone?



Original Poster:

514 posts

199 months

Monday 6th February 2017
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Any one have a pair of these for sale ?


3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 6th February 2017
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I only have a set for sale if those are the original Dymag you after . The tear drop Dymag were from South Africa. You may not want them from me, no problem, get intouch if you interested.

Edited by 77racing on Monday 6th February 15:42


Original Poster:

514 posts

199 months

Monday 6th February 2017
quotequote all
77racing said:
I only have a set for sale if those are the original Dymag you after . The tear drop Dymag were from South Africa. You may not want them from me, no problem, get intouch if you interested.

Edited by 77racing on Monday 6th February 15:42
Don't want another set Perry just looking for a pair cheers anyway