Centre locks



Original Poster:

16,381 posts

184 months

Monday 23rd January 2017
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Long shot but am on the hunt for a centre lock socket and breaker bar. (75mm) I've found new but just thought I'd see if anyone had an old one they no have a use for?

Any help would be much appreciated.


718 posts

230 months

Wednesday 25th January 2017
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A few of the race cars I to spanner on have centre locks not sure why you would want them on a road car.

You have to back them off after a track session, torque them before you go out, any where between 300nm and 650nm so you need a big wrench and check with the wheel supplier on the spec.


They have a habit of seizing on if they go through a big heat cycle and some time randomly.


3,328 posts

225 months

Thursday 26th January 2017
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eBay for that I would say. The centre locks on my road GT3 (which are not racing items and do not play well with impact tools, hence require manual stuff to change with 600Nm of torque) are somewhat less of a pain with the right equipment. I sourced a used Norbar 4R from a friend for a hundred quid to put them on, but for removal I use a torque multiplier (Norbar HT3 {5:1 multiplier rated to 1300Nm} from eBay, about £120 IIRC, which is way less than retail) with a 750mm breaker bar to get them off. It is a much more practical solution than a 6' bar...


Original Poster:

16,381 posts

184 months

Thursday 26th January 2017
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Thanks guys. Unfortunately (or fortunately dependent on your perspective) the people I got the adaptions from have sent incomplete set-up and so I've opted to return it and get my cash back instead. Thanks though.