Smith's 8000 rpm tacho

Smith's 8000 rpm tacho



Original Poster:

13,073 posts

224 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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Right, living in France I often meet people looking for spare parts. In this case it is for a Lola T70 1966 and here in France they don't seem to be able to find the above, hence this post.

The owner has had it for years and it has been much raced but sadly he has had a stroke and can no longer race but is restoring the car to an incredible standard for his personal pleasure. So while he has three 12,000 rpm tachos in stock, we need a Smiths 8,000 for correctness.

Well, they aren't difficult to find, but mostly electric moderns and not the magnetic type like an E-type for example. We need the latter please. Anyone got any ideas?


239 posts

165 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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Not much help I'm afraid but when I was looking for the correct chronometric tacho for my Lotus it was just a long wait until the correct type appeared on fleabay then bid till I won. I did phone around a few restorers and some did have stock in but the prices were eye watering. Do you have a picky of the correct dial? I spend far too much time looking for bits off fleabay so adding one more to the list would be no problem.

Jon Adams


Original Poster:

13,073 posts

224 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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Thanks at least for replying. I have a photo of another with 12,000 rpm but the general idea is black with white numerals , about 100 mm diameter, and most importantly magnetic, not chronometric or electric like the modern repros. One thing I have never seen is four 58mm Webers on a small block Chevy engine! Cost about 50,000 dollars I was told! Am on the tablet so will post photos tomorrow.

Edited by lowdrag on Monday 9th January 21:01


239 posts

165 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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Here's a couple of different types that are currently on, probably not exactly what your're looking for

eBay item number:252712228440

eBay item number:172478805537

Best way to search is unfortunately a bit broad; I'd use something like "smiths 8000 rpm" or "smiths rev" or "smiths tacho" filter to Europe to get rid of the rubbish from India then skim through looking for something close.

If you get something with the right internals it might be worth having it rebuilt to be an exact match, Can one of the 0-12000 rev counters be rebuilt to 0-8000 with a different dial?



21,564 posts

295 months

Wednesday 25th January 2017
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Speedy sell smiths classic tachos