Vegan motorsport


sly fox

Original Poster:

2,281 posts

230 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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No, really.

She doesnt look like a munter either-


31,330 posts

252 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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sly fox said:
She doesnt look like a munter either-
Oh hi!

(no not really)


78,082 posts

293 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Her "about" page is fantastic. I can't wait until she discovers CrossFit and Christianity shortly before giving her faith up and becoming an atheist, then rediscovering Christ.


11,669 posts

261 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Hoofy said:
Her "about" page is fantastic. I can't wait until she discovers CrossFit and Christianity shortly before giving her faith up and becoming an atheist, then rediscovering Christ.
I thought about about a hehe
Then decided rofl was way more appropriate.


118 posts

146 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Wears overalls stating "GO 100% RENEWABLE".

Drives a 200mph+ racing car that runs on a rich mixture of Gasoline & Ethanol.


90,152 posts

295 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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I wonder if her fireproof nomex polymer suit has been made using animal products, not in it's construction but it's manufacture?


473 posts

141 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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I can't work out if there are backers behind this or is she funds her racing herself and its just a personal statement?
kind of reminds me of the Jesus car in the V8's


3,346 posts

198 months

Monday 9th January 2017
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click on the first link posted, all answered in second paragraph asking you to donate.............;)


9,071 posts

155 months

Tuesday 10th January 2017
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Shades of Church of Scientology backed Gp C cars and Jesus Saves F3 car ; but I always thought having your car sponsored by Southern Organs was unimprovable....


35,349 posts

245 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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DELETED: Comment made by a member who's account has been deleted.
That's just motorsport! It's not a sport entirely based on talent; it's who you know, who you meet, who sponsors you, how much money you have access to, how much support your parents give you etc. Some people are born with good looks, some into money - it all helps! It's very rare when a driver gets anywhere on talent alone - I've heard of it occasionally at lower levels, but never NASCAR, top level GT, F1 etc. Of course, to do well you need talent as well, but almost always you also need money, generous parents and/or contacts, preferably all of the above!