Dakar 2017



Original Poster:

1,270 posts

221 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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Anyone following it this year?
It's my New Years tradition to watch it. I just love the sheer scale of the landscape and distances they cover, the footage is bloody fantastic, I was impressed by Nassar in car camera in the Toyota, sounds great too.
True petrol heads will love it, Eurosport every night by the way.


1,891 posts

115 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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What channel is it shown on?

Would love to go watch this live

Homer J

789 posts

229 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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I follow it mate, have done for as long as I can remember. smile

The car battle is looking likely to be a good one this year. I'm a huge fan of Nassar's so really hope he does well. It would be great to see him win in a relatively small private team against the Pugs..........but we'll see what happens. I don't like Peterhansell one bit, but you've got to hand it to him, he's a hell of a driver.

It's a shame the big names have largely all the left the bikes these days as well. The old battles between the likes of Despres, Coma, Roma even as far back as Fabrizio Meoni and Ricahrd Sainct in the late 90's / early 2000's, (god rest their souls) were arguably better than the car and truck battles.

Looking forward to a good two weeks.


4,537 posts

108 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Eurosport @ 10 pm every night.

It's as hard watching at times as competing, too much fill and not enough action.

Also if you switch over a few minutes before, their news gives you all the results and 30 seconds of highlights. What's that all about?

For example there was nothing about the accident which had affected the 2nd place Ford Ranger, just some video of him pulling over with a very second hand vehicle.


Original Poster:

1,270 posts

221 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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I'm sure last year the episodes were an hour long?
Carlton Kirkby is a great commentator,very knowledgable chap.


4,124 posts

243 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Also worth following is the Africa Eco Race, effectively the continuation of the old Dakar, coverage on Motors TV


303 posts

199 months

Friday 6th January 2017
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Mammasaid said:
Eurosport @ 10 pm every night.

It's as hard watching at times as competing, too much fill and not enough action.

Also if you switch over a few minutes before, their news gives you all the results and 30 seconds of highlights. What's that all about?

For example there was nothing about the accident which had affected the 2nd place Ford Ranger, just some video of him pulling over with a very second hand vehicle.
I agree with all the above! Love the race but the coverage is even worse this year. I notice a lack of sponsor ads in the coverage, so maybe the budget is tight this year.


282 posts

180 months

Wednesday 11th January 2017
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Alternative behind the scenes short episodes here at Red Bull TV


ETA: If you have a Amazon Fire TV stick there is a Red Bull TV app available for free.


3,005 posts

158 months

Saturday 14th January 2017
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Better coverage this year. It was a bit sparse last year.
Agree with comment about Carlton Kirby - his linguistic skills are pretty amazing.
Certainly been an interesting one. Huge rainfall and landslip. Hope Sam Sunderland wins the bikes. First Brit winner of the Dakar!


Original Poster:

1,270 posts

221 months

Saturday 14th January 2017
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The coverage it's doing its job, I want to go on holiday to South America!.
The footage of Paz was quite something, 1 million people lining the streets to wave them in even if its a bit over estimated it looked like quite a crowd.


7,225 posts

197 months

Saturday 14th January 2017
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Fantastic achievement by Sam Sunderland to win the Dakar! To finish it is one thing, but to be the best in your class is something else!


373 posts

207 months

Monday 16th January 2017
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I can't believe two people are praising Carlton Kirkby...

C Lee Farquar

4,105 posts

227 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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Northern_Monkey said:
I can't believe two people are praising Carlton Kirkby...
Nor I. My understanding is he just does a voice over from a studio. He has no linguistic skills but he can read translated text.

Certainly when there were a few Brits doing the cars he knew next to nothing about them.

Dr Gitlin

2,561 posts

250 months

Friday 20th January 2017
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I love Kirby's commentary! It wouldn't be Dakar without it.


373 posts

207 months

Friday 20th January 2017
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Dr Gitlin said:
I love Kirby's commentary! It wouldn't be Dakar without it.
Correct - it would be better