Spa WEC 6 hours tickets...

Spa WEC 6 hours tickets...



Original Poster:

32 posts

183 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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So planning to head to this with my two sons (6 & 4) for their first WEC experience (build up to Le Mans when they're at a better age...). Plan is to collect from school, shoot over staying near Ghent or Brussels, head down for the race, back to the hotel after, and back home on Sunday.

Main question: it seems there are still no tickets for sale? Discuss... Last year they were released in November??
Next question: anyone done similar with wee ones? If so, any advice?

Thank's y'all!


27,217 posts

192 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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How far are they capable of walking?

Spa is a very big track, so unless you want to keep hopping in/out of the car to get around the circuit you'd be best limiting yourself to the area from the Bus Stop up to Radillon where the pits/paddock etc all are.


Original Poster:

32 posts

183 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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very capable if it's something they want to walk to. However, stairs prove troublesome at bedtime... biggrin Thanks for the tip!


3,949 posts

289 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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Went to Spa a couple of times in 2016, including the WEC. It's a long track and there's massive elevation change. I'd be thinking twice about taking my 11 and 9 year old.. unless you would be content sitting in the main grandstands, which were freely open last year.

We bought our tickets well in advance, and a parking spot (which ended up being on the southern side of the circuit, but that ideal for us).


4,124 posts

243 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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No particular need to buy tickets in advance, if you do it's print at home anyway, grandstands are included and free-roving. Stand at the bottom of Eau Rouge with the cars coming over your shoulder and up the hill, P1s in particular are mind-boggling through there. I'd have though a 9 and 11 year old would be absolutely fine, we've had a couple of 11 year olds survive Le Mans, it's a doddle compared to that.


4,124 posts

243 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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BTW if you're looking for somewhere cheap & convenient to stay there's an Ibis at the services at Heverlee near Leuven, I normally stop there in my camper, nice & quiet & the hotel is new & looks clean & tidy.


Original Poster:

32 posts

183 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Thanks for the thoughts and replies all... They're main experience of motorsport so far has been going to Santa Pod and watching the top fuel dragsters all day long. I know they definitely aren't ready for Le Mans yet (I know how broken I am at the end of it - esp this year; did the 900 mile round trip in an orange beachbuggy with no windscreen... That was quite harrowing...)

They are currently excited by the idea, will see how they get on. Has anyone seen tickets on sale yet? I can't seem to find them and it does seem to be getting quite close to the race...